The Dynisco Injection Molders Handbook

The Dynisco Injection Molders Handbook. Dynisco, Inc. (Firm) Dynisco, Incorporated, 1991 - Injection molding of plastics - 234 pages. What people are saying - Write a review. We haven't found any reviews in the usual places. Bibliographic information. Title: The Dynisco Injection Molders Handbook. Find great deals for DYNISCO Injection Molders Handbook by John Goff. Shop with confidence on eBay! Compare book prices from over 100,000 booksellers. Find The Dynisco Injection Molders Handbook () by Tony Whelan; John Gof.
DYNISCO INSTRUMENTS Booth S-2768 (Shared with Dynisco Extrusion, Dynisco HotRunners and Dynisco Polymer Test) What's Hot! Company will be introducing a range of new products for injection molders and extruders. For injection molders: * A new cavity pressure controller is claimed to offer sophisticated control and reporting features at a cost substantially less than similar models. Unit has a graphic, paperless display of up to two process pressures and compares graphs of actual pressure data with those of ideal process conditions. Other features include 'flash' memory storage and automatic detection of defective parts. Response time is better than 10 um and strain gage or piezoelectric inputs are accepted. * A new technology that allows high-pressure, accurate measurements in the machine nozzle will be demonstrated.
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It is said to allow the nozzle pressure transducer to handle a wider range of molding applications. * A new tie bar strain ring is said to offer highly repeatable measurement using high-accuracy strain gages.
The first strain rings to be offered by Dynisco, are designed to extend the life of the machine by preventing excessive clamping force, preventing premature tie-bar failure by helping distribute load more evenly and by reducing flashing by maintaining platen parallelism. For extrusion: * A new line of extrusion pressure transducers is said to allow highly accurate, high-pressure measurements to be made at high process temperatures. This new technology allows the transducers to handle a wider range of extrusion applications.
Existing Products On Display will include: * MRT multi-range transducers (Feb '99 PA, p 10) are designed for co-extrusion and film applications used to produce packaging material. Units in the MRT Series allow users to select one of four commonly used pressure ranges (3000, 5000, 7500 or 10,000 psi) via a seal screw, which accesses a four-position rotary switch. Download mario and sonic at the london 2012 olympic games wii iso. Other features include full-scale output for selected ranges of 3.33 mv/v, accuracy of ±0.5% and an internal 80% shunt calibration for easy set-up, stability and repeatability. Units are also said to meet CE requirements for EMI/RFI protection.